Name: | Clinotyrolite |
IMA Chemistry: | Ca2Cu9(AsO4,SO4)4(OH,O)10·10H2O |
Chemistry Elements: | The mineral Clinotyrolite contains elements: Calcium (Ca) Copper (Cu) Arsenic (As) Oxygen (O) Sulfur (S) Hydrogen (H) |
Country of Type Locality: | |
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Status Notes: | Ma Z, Qian R, Peng Z (1980) Clinotyrolite - a new mineral hydrous copper arsenate discovered in Dongchuan, Yunan, Acta Geologica Sinica 54(2), 134-143 Discredited as a polytype of tyrolite: Krivovichev S V, Chernyshov D Y, Döbelin N, Armbruster T, Kahlenberg V, Kaindl R, Ferraris G, Tessadri R, Kaltenhauser G (2006) Crystal chemistry and polytypism of tyrolite. American Mineralogist 91, 1378-1384 |
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More Info: | Search Wikipedia: Clinotyrolite (Wiki) Search Mindat: Clinotyrolite Search Web Mineral DB: Clinotyrolite |