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Name: Glushinskite
IMA Chemistry: Mg(C2O4)ยท2H2O
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Glushinskite contains elements:
Magnesium (Mg)
Carbon (C)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality: Russia
Year First Published: 1960
IMA Status: Approved,Redefined
Status Notes: Zhemchuzhnikov Y A, Ginzburg A I (1960) Petrology of clays, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR 1960, 93-93 Mineral name rejected by IMA nomenclature commission because of inadequate description: Hey M H (1967) International Mineralogical Association: Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, Mineralogical Magazine 36, 131-136 Mineral re-instated as a valid species because it was found at other localities and described in adequate detail: Wilson M J, Jones D, Russell J D (1980) Glushinskite, a naturally occurring magnesium oxalate, Mineralogical Magazine 43, 837-840
Structural Group Name: Humboldtine, Oxalate
Fleischer's Group Name: humboldtine
Crystal Systems: monoclinic
Oldest Known Age: 1000 Million Years Ago
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Data appearing on this page is derived from the IMA Database of Mineral Properties. Not all properties are applicable to or available for all minerals.

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