Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. In the course of your normal use of this web site, the Dynamic Earth Collection may track details about your viewing behaviors, shopping behaviors, and other behaviors as reflected through how you click, your searches, and what you read on this site. We may use this information to offer you relevant information, content, suggestions, tips, ads, and other details that we feel would be relevant to your interests.

This information may be tracked using your IP address, characteristics of your browser, and other data you choose to share with us. This may include, in some cases, your name, location, and other PII you have directly provided to us. You may request at any time that we remove your non-anonymized information and that we do not track you, by using the link provided below. Any personally identifiable information about your browser history, your name, location or other PII will be deleted immediately upon receipt and verification of any such request for deletion.

Click here to request that your personal information be deleted.

As a matter of general policy, we do not share your information with third parties, but we reserve the right to do so, in order to provide you with customized suggestions and advertisements, to speed up your logins, and for other business purposes. We may utilize the following third party service providers for features such as logins, advertising services, social media sharing tools, and payment processing:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Google
  • YouTube
  • PayPal

If you have any questions about our commitment to privacy, please use the contact form link which appears in the footer of each page of this web site, or Click here to contact us.

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© 2024 Dynamic Earth Collection - Curator: Ryan J. Cooper - All Rights Reserved