Explore Mineral

Name: Oligoclase
Specimens in Collection:

#631: Oligoclase var. Sunstone
Oregon, USA
IMA Chemistry: (Na,Ca)(Si,Al)4O8
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Oligoclase contains elements:
Sodium (Na)
Calcium (Ca)
Silicon (Si)
Aluminum (Al)
Oxygen (O)
Country of Type Locality:
Year First Published:
IMA Status:
Status Notes: Breithaupt A (1826) Bemerkungen über das geschlecht des feldspath - Grammit´s und beschreibung des oligoklases, einer neuen spezies desselben, Annalen der Physik und Chemie 8, 231-242 A mixture of albite and anorthite
Structural Group Name: Feldspar
Fleischer's Group Name:  
Crystal Systems: triclinic
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Data appearing on this page is derived from the IMA Database of Mineral Properties. Not all properties are applicable to or available for all minerals.

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