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Name: Clinoptilolite-Ca
IMA Chemistry: Ca3(Si30Al6)O72·20H2O
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Clinoptilolite-Ca contains elements:
Calcium (Ca)
Silicon (Si)
Aluminum (Al)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality: Japan
Year First Published: 1997
IMA Status: Approved
Status Notes: Koyama K, Takeuchi Y (1977) Clinoptilolite: The distribution of potassium atoms and its role in thermal stability. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 145, 216-239 Name assigned to the Ca dominant phase: Coombs D S, Alberti A, Armbruster T, Artioli G, Colella C, Galli E, Grice J D, Liebau F, Mandarino J A, Minato H, Nickel E H, Passaglia E, Peacor D R, Quartieri S, Rinaldi R, Ross M, Sheppard R A, Tillmanns E, Vezzalini G, (1997) Recommended nomenclature for zeolite minerals: report of the subcommittee on zeolites of the international mineralogical association, commission on new minerals and mineral names, The Canadian Mineralogist 35, 1571-1606
Structural Group Name: Heulandite
Fleischer's Group Name: zeolite-clinoptilolite series
Crystal Systems: monoclinic
Oldest Known Age: 2222.9 Million Years Ago
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Data appearing on this page is derived from the IMA Database of Mineral Properties. Not all properties are applicable to or available for all minerals.

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