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Name: Hydroxylapatite
IMA Chemistry: Ca5(PO4)3OH
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Hydroxylapatite contains elements:
Calcium (Ca)
Phosphorus (P)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality: Switzerland
Year First Published: 1856
IMA Status: Approved,Renamed
Status Notes: Named hydro-apatite: Damour A A (1856) Sur l'hydro-apatite, espèce minérale, Annales des Mines 10, 65-68 Renamed hydroxyapatite: Schaller W T (1912) Mineralogical notes, Series 2. Mineralogy of the French phosphorites, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 509, 89-100 Name changed from hydroxylapatite to apatite-(CaOH): Burke E A J (2008) Tidying up mineral names: an IMA-CNMNC scheme for suffixes, hyphens and diacritical marks, The Mineralogical Record 39, 131-135 Name changed from apatite-(CaOH) back to hydroxylapatite. In addition, apatite-CaOH)-M is renamed to hydroxylapatite-M and is defined as a monoclinic variant of hydroxylapatite and is not considered a distinct species: Pasero M, Kampf A R, Ferraris C, Pekov I V, Rakovan J R, White T J (2010) Nomenclature of the apatite supergroup minerals, European Journal of Mineralogy 22, 163-179
Structural Group Name: Apatite
Fleischer's Group Name: apatite
Crystal Systems: hexagonal
Oldest Known Age: 2845 Million Years Ago
Mohs Hardness: 5.0
Diaphaneity: 2.0
Specific Gravity: 3.17
More Info: Search Wikipedia: Hydroxylapatite (Wiki)
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Data appearing on this page is derived from the IMA Database of Mineral Properties. Not all properties are applicable to or available for all minerals.

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