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Name: Mendipite
IMA Chemistry: Pb3O2Cl2
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Mendipite contains elements:
Lead (Pb)
Oxygen (O)
Chlorine (Cl)
Country of Type Locality: United Kingdom
Year First Published: 1824
IMA Status: Approved,Grandfathered
Status Notes: Chemical composition determined in this paper, but note that the mineral was called saltsyradt bly: Berzelius J (1824) Undersokning af tvenne i K. Vet. Academiens Mineralsamling befintlige Mineralier. 2. Saltsyradt bly, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 1823, 183-189 Previously known by other names, but current name of mendipite was introduced in this paper: Glocker E F (1839) 12. Mendipit, in Grundrib der Mineralogie, mit Einschlub der Geognosie und Petrefactenkunde, Schrag (Nurnberg) 604-605 Chemical formula redefined: Spencer L J, Mountain E D (1923) New lead-copper minerals from the Mendip Hills (Somerset), Mineralogical Magazine 20, 67-92
Structural Group Name:  
Fleischer's Group Name:  
Crystal Systems: orthorhombic
Oldest Known Age: 1898 Million Years Ago
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Data appearing on this page is derived from the IMA Database of Mineral Properties. Not all properties are applicable to or available for all minerals.

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