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Name: Sodicgedrite
IMA Chemistry: NaMg6Al(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Sodicgedrite contains elements:
Sodium (Na)
Magnesium (Mg)
Aluminum (Al)
Silicon (Si)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality:
Year First Published:
IMA Status: Discredited
Status Notes: Leake B E, Woolley A R, Arps C E S, Birch W D, Gilbert M C, Grice J D, Hawthorne F C, Kato A, Kisch H J, Krivovichev V G, Linthout K, Laird J, Mandarino J A, Maresch W V, Nickel E H, Rock N M S, Schumacher J C, Smith D C, Stephenson N C N, Ungaretti L, Whittaker E J W, Youzhi G (1997) Nomenclature of amphiboles: Report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, commission on new minerals and mineral names, The Canadian Mineralogist 35, 219-246 Discredited: Hawthorne F C, Oberti R, Harlow G E, Maresch W V, Martin R F, Schumacher J C, Welch M D (2012) Nomenclature of the amphibole supergroup. American Mineralogist 97, 2031-2048
Structural Group Name: Amphibole
Fleischer's Group Name: amphibole-group 1 Mg-Fe-Mn-Li
Crystal Systems: orthorhombic
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