Explore Mineral

Name: Tyrolite
Specimens in Collection:

#378: Tyrolite
Lake Serene Mine, Index, Snohomish County, Washington, USA

#772: Tyrolite
IMA Chemistry: Ca2Cu9(AsO4)4(CO3)(OH)8·11H2O
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Tyrolite contains elements:
Calcium (Ca)
Copper (Cu)
Arsenic (As)
Oxygen (O)
Carbon (C)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality: Austria
Year First Published: 1817
IMA Status: Approved,Grandfathered
Status Notes: First described: Werner A G (1817) Kupferschaum, in Letztes Mineral-System, Craz, Gerlach and Gerold (Freiberg) 50-51 Named: Haidinger W (1845) Zweite Klasse: Geogenide. IV. Ordnung. Malachite. VII. Euchlormalachit. Tirolit., in Handbuch der Bestimmenden Mineralogie, Bei Braumüller and Seidel (Wien) 506-511 Chemical composition determined as 5CuO·As_2_O_5_·CaCO_3_·8H_2_O: Church A H (1895) A chemical study of some native arsenates and phosphates, Mineralogical Magazine 11, 1-12 Chemical formula changed to Ca_2_Cu_9_(AsO_4_)_4_(OH)_10_·10H_2_O: Berry L G (1948) Tyrolite, higginsite and cornwallite, American Mineralogist 33, 193-193 After a crystal structure determination, the chemical formula is revised yet again to Ca_2_Cu_9_(AsO_4_)_4_(CO_3_)(OH)_8_·11H_2_O: Krivovichev S V, Chernyshov D Y, Döbelin N, Armbruster T, (2006) Crystal chemistry and polytypism of tyrolite, American Mineralogist 91, 1378-1384
Structural Group Name: Tyrolite
Fleischer's Group Name:  
Crystal Systems: monoclinic|orthorhombic
Oldest Known Age: 2222.9 Million Years Ago
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