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Name: Tinzenite
IMA Chemistry: Ca2Mn2+4Al4[B2Si8O30](OH)2
Chemistry Elements: The mineral Tinzenite contains elements:
Calcium (Ca)
Manganese (Mn)
Aluminum (Al)
Boron (B)
Silicon (Si)
Oxygen (O)
Hydrogen (H)
Country of Type Locality: Switzerland
Year First Published: 1968
IMA Status: Approved,Redefined
Status Notes: Jakob J (1923) Vier Mangansilikate aus dem Val d'Err (Kt. Graubünden). Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 3, 227-237 Tinzenite is identified as Ca-poor axinite and its chemical formula revised from H_2_Ca_3_Al_4_Mn^3+^_4_Si_8_O_32_ to H(Ca,Mn,Fe,Mg)_3_Al_2_BSi_4_O_16_: Milton C A, Hildebrand F A, Sherwood A M (1953) The identity of tinzenite with manganoan axinite. American Mineralogist 38, 1148-1158 Redefined: Sanero E, Gottardi G (1968) Nomenclature and crystal-chemistry of axinites, American Mineralogist 53, 1407-1411 Chemical formula revised from Ca_6_Al_4_[B_2_Si_8_O_30_](OH)_2_ to Ca_2_Mn^2+^_4_Al_4_[B_2_Si_8_O_30_](OH)_2_: Grew E S (2018) Tinzenite, a member of the axinite group with formula revised to Ca_2_Mn_4_^2+^Al_4_[B_2_Si_8_O_30_](OH)_2_. European Journal of Mineralogy 30, 177-182
Structural Group Name: Axinite
Fleischer's Group Name: axinite
Crystal Systems: triclinic
Oldest Known Age: 247 Million Years Ago
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